Thursday, 27 March 2014

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Kiri was interested in doing a number of photo shoots to establish her portfolio, and was wanting a number of diverse styles and themes. She has a range of different clothing, and was impressed with the location I suggested at the fortifications at Middle Head. She decided on a "punk" outfit, and could do the poses to match this theme.

In most cases I used 2 off-camera flashes. In some areas we played with gelling the flash with different colours to produce the coloured backgrounds. In one situation I was inside an underground room shooting Kiri at the door. Exposing for the outside ambient light I only used one flash in an umbrella at camera left. These shots were the first ones I had where High Speed Sync actually worked for me - having tried it unsuccessfully many times before.

Because of Kiri's hair style it was difficult to get a cropped head shot in landscape mode that typified Kiri.